Three Wise Men...Yeah Right! - Wild & Woolly Yarns Skip to content
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Three Wise Men...Yeah Right!


  This is possibly the briefest newsletter ever, (phew I hear you say) and it's just to let you know that I'm closing the shop at 2pm on Christmas Eve and reopening at 10am on Tuesday 5th January. Our online store will remain open, however we will not be sending out orders until 5th January.

   Neil, myself and Harry, our Labrador are heading off in our motorhome, we have no route planned or schedule to keep. I've packed  more than enough knitting, Neil has a pile of books and  Harry will be happy snoozing most of the day with a little light bunny chasing thrown in for good measure. Harry doesn't look quite his handsome self at the moment as he had a little accident a couple of weeks ago.  Whilst playing with another dog on North Head he managed to misjudge the cliff edge and went hurtling over onto the sharp volcanic rocks a fair way below...and yes, events like this really do  happen in slow motion. He spent the remainder of the day fast asleep at the vets and woke to discover he had a number of shaved patches and some rather impressive stitches. We are Harry's adoptive owners, he was destined to be a Guide Dog but was withdrawn from the Training Program  at the age of two. Given Harry's eagerness to jump off the edge of North Head, that was probably a very wise decision! 
 So, all that's left to say is massive, heartfelt thank you for your support over the last year,  and please have a safe and peaceful Christmas. 

Happy knitting Fran and Olivia
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